
Hengistbury Head

Hengistbury Head, Bournemouth and Christchurch and Poole, England

9.76 KM

Mudeford Quay to Hengistbury Head via the Mudeford ferry. Hengistbury Head is a scenic and historic headland and Site of Nature Conservation Interest between Bournemouth and Mudeford.

27 Jul 2022
3hrs, 35min (2hrs, 14min)
altitude Graph for hengistbury head walk

Elevation: Max 39m, Min 1m, Gain 38m

Pictures from the walk

jetty with boats and people paddling

Mudeford Quay

group of walkers in fancy dress

Fancy dress dune walkers

seaside car park entrance and exit

Solent Beach Car Park

suburban seaside street

The streets of Hengistbury Head

yellow campervan

Yellow T3 Campervan with porthole

costal hedge shaped by the wind


modern church with large white wooden cross

St Nicholas Church, Hengistbury Head

single green car in modern church car park

St Nicholas Church, Hengistbury Head

modern seaside church building

Front of Saint Nicholas Church

older couple crossing the road in front of a modern church

Seaside scenes

brick built coastal toilet block

Seaside toilets, Hengistbury Head

tourist model train

The Hengistbury Head Land Train

Some walks nearby

path through chalk uplands
Tollard Royal

A circular route from the Wiltshire village of Tollard Royal to Win Green, the highest point in the Cranborne Chase. Returns through the Ashcombe Estate.