

Litton, Somerset, England

12.03 KM

This 12k circular walk from Litton takes in the stunning Hollow Marsh Meadow Nature Reserve. We visited in mid summer and the wild flower meadows looked amazing and were buzzing with insect life. After the meadows the route heads to Hinton Blewett and returns via the Upper Litton Reservoir.

18 Jul 2021
3hrs, 55min (3hrs, 2min)
altitude Graph for litton walk

Elevation: Max 163m, Min 103m, Gain 60m

Pictures from the walk

cyclist on dirt track in the summer

Summer cyclist

purple flowers in hedgerow

Bramble vetch

close up of wild flower meadow

Hollow Marsh Meadow Nature Reserve

wildflower meadow

Hollow Marsh Meadows

wild flower meadow

Long Dole Meadow

cornfield footpath with buildings in distance

Path across the cornfield

farmland with container

Hook Lane

corner of reservoir with clouds reflected in water

Upper Litton Reservoir

Some walks nearby

tree growing over bench

Awaiting description

tree landscape in winter
Stockhill Wood #1

To be honest, this was more of a photographic outing than a proper hike. Stockhill Wood in the Mendip Hills is a stunning place and it did not disappoint on this November …

tall trees in semi silhouette on moorland
Stockhill Wood #2

A wander through Stockhill Wood and the surrounding Mendip countryside.