
Sand Point

Sand Point, North Somerset, England

2.74 KM

A short walk to the picturesque Sand Point just north of Weston-super-Mare. The bay at low tide was looking particularly lovely in the October sun. The final image is shot on 35mm film, which I think provides a nice contrast to the pin-sharp digital images.

3 Oct 2021
1hr, 0min (0hrs, 44min)
altitude Graph for sand point walk

Elevation: Max 45m, Min 3m, Gain 42m

Pictures from the walk

black and white image of bay with tide out

The view towards Weston-super-Mare

black and white image of bay at low tide with river channel flowing into the sea

River channel

grainy colour image of bay with tide out

Sand Bay on Fuji Superia 400 film

Some walks nearby

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