

Westonbirt, Gloucestershire, England

14.25 KM

A lovely walk that takes in Westonbirt, Tetbury and Shipton Moyne. From Beyond Bristol book one.

11 Nov 2023
5hrs, 0min (3hrs, 29min)
altitude Graph for westonbirt walk

Elevation: Max 145m, Min 93m, Gain 52m

Pictures from the walk

an elizabethan-style house built by william brookes in 1844

Elmestree House, built by William Brookes in 1844

derelict house in woods

Derelict house on the the Elmestree Estate

pond with derelict house in background

Pond and derelict house

derelict house in woods

Derelict house on the the Elmestree Estate

no unauthorised access sign on five bar gate

No Unauthorised Access - Highgrove Estate

field with cottages behind stone wall

The outskirts of Tetbury

autumnal tree in field

Tree and roller

stone cottages and church

View from Bath Bridge, Tetbury

houses on hill above hedge

Tetbury skyline

ford and footbridge over the tetbury avon

Cutwell Ford - at the Tetbury Avon

curved grass verge

Estcourt Park, Shipton Moyne

house set in parkland

Estcourt Park, Shipton Moyne

five bar gate with rucksack

Five-bar gate

Some walks nearby

tree covered hill with line of walkers in foreground

A circuit of Tresham, Alderley and Ozleworth, this is a very pleasant and varied walk around the Gloucestershire countryside. At Ozleworth it is worth detouring to visit the redundant, if very well …

hedges and barn
Hawkesbury Upton

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cows sitting on a common
Rodborough Common

A loop of Rodborough and Minchinhampton Commons which sit on the Cotswold scarp south of Stroud. The walk returns via Amberley and the woods at Littleworth.