

Wells, Somerset, England

13.7 KM

A country trek from North Wooton to Wells and back. There are just a few black and white film pictures from this one and I remember it being a bit of an effort on a hot summers day.

3 Jul 2022
Some Hills
5hrs, 20min (3hrs, 31min)
altitude Graph for wells walk

Elevation: Max 90m, Min -16m, Gain 106m

Pictures from the walk

old-fashioned metal sign showing children playing

Pre-Worboys Children Playing sign

street corner with people in black and white

Wells High Street

old-fashioned tractor in front of barn

Old-school tractor

Some walks nearby

hill with sheep grazing
North Wooton

A short circuit through the gentle Somerset countryside from North Wooton, taking in a disused railway and Knowle Hill.

walker attempting to control a field of young cows

A short wander from North Wooton to the village of Pilton in Somerset. Returning via the lanes to avoid the field of excitable young cows!

black and white shot of corn field  in summer
West Pennard

This route from West Pennard takes in the perimeter of the Glastonbury Festival site. The event had not long finished when we did the walk, hence the fencing and marquees. The black …